Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Unit 6 Reflection

This unit was all about the skeletal system and how bones all work together in harmony to support the functions of the human body. We first explored the structures of bones, including the different types and the cells, bone marrow, lacuna, etc. that make up all bones. We then learned about the different disorders that affect the skeletal system, which consisted of mainly spinal deformity diseases such as kyphosis. Here is a video explaining kyphosis:
I would like to learn more about how people get diseases in the skeletal system, particular the spine deformity diseases. In the lecture notes it was mentioned a lot that some of the diseases had unknown causes even though there was a vague correlation between the disease and certain groups of people. Some unanswered question I have are what causes these diseases, such as the balance between how environmental factors and genetic factors will causes these diseases. 

One activity that we did during this unit that I found to be quite interesting was the owl pellet lab; ow our group did not have a full set of bones to construct a full skeleton, here is an example of an owl pellet and a completed skeleton built from an owl pellet: 
I am very optimistic about my 20 time project and I think that it will be a manageable workload. I cannot wait to start cooking and resuming my blogging. I also have been semi-successful in my new year goals in that I have recently started a yoga shredding series that I do daily. I actually really like shreds because they are short, yet provide the same amount of hardcore exercise that usually takes hours. I think that it is especially convenient for students because we are often "too busy to exercise," but with shredding, there is really no excuse because it takes less than 15 minutes to do a full day's worth of working out. 

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